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2 Overlooked Elements for Successful Habit Building

Whether we are trying to create a daily Yoga practice or other regular habit, we need to successfully bring together several elements.

Apart from having the right knowledge about how to build a habit, staying organization and determined, there are two other elements we need we often fail to plan for before starting a new habit: support and accountability.

Not having support is rated as one of the main reasons we fail to reach our goals. And having no accountability in place can stop us before we even start

1. Support

Why should you look for support before you start working on your new habit? 

Not knowing where to look for the right support can leave you frustrated and discouraged.

You might be fine on your own when you start. but you might have questions along the way or your determination might start to waver.

Having questions / doubts and no one to help can get you stuck and then it's easy to just drop the whole thing.

Where to look for support? 

  1. Someone in the field

    Look for people who work in the field you are building your habits in, either just for motivation or to work with in whichever form they offer and you prefer.

    This can be someone you look up to, an expert, a teacher, or anyone successful in what you are hoping to achieve.

  2. Someone on the same journey

    You can also find support from people who are only a few steps ahead of what you are trying to achieve.

    They will be able to relate to your struggle and give you practical tips.

    You can look for communities, groups, or reach out to someone you know is working on the same thing.

    For building Yoga habits, we support you in the group you are welcome to join today.

  3. Online

    You can join group programs and courses, mentorships or even work privately with someone you admire at a much lower cost than you would pay for in person sessions. 

2. Accountability

Why have a plan for accountability before starting a new habit? 

Even with the best plan, building a new habit is hard. Embarking on the journey of building a new habit by yourself might seem like an OK idea at first and if you are determined, you will make progress.

Down the road, however, the best of intentions and planning can be thwarted by what life unexpectedly leaves at our doorstep.

Inevitably, priorities shift and if you don’t have an accountability system in place to keep you on track, it is easy to persuade yourself that your goal can wait and before you know it, you can find yourself back where you started.

Where to look for accountability? 

  1. Your close ones

    If you are lucky, your friend or partner is interested in working on a similar goal as you. If not, they might still be happy to check on your progress - don’t be afraid to ask.

  2. Online communities

    If you are working on a goal no one around you quite understands or you prefer more anonymity, try online communities such as Facebook groups.

    There are many great interest groups and also groups moderated by experts in their fields, creating supportive environments which can help you stay accountable as well.

  3. Yourself

    Being accountable to self is as important as having the external accountability.

    Create a tracking and reward system for yourself, it is the foundation of your habit building.

Before you move on…

Whichever of the above ideas you had an ‘ah, I could do that’ moment about, take a minute to write your thoughts down and start making a plan to find the accountability and support you need on your habit building journey.   

New habits are hard, so approach building them with kindness to yourself.

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