3 Obstacles of Doing Yoga Regularly


Why is sticking with regular Yoga practice such a struggle? Knowing how to build and keep habits is for sure a big part of it but let’s look at 3 other obstacles.

These obstacles are realities of our everyday life and as such, like any other struggle, when we’re ready to face them, we can take that challenge on so that we can finally reach the goal they are keeping us away from.


Obstacle 1: Things get in the way

The main problem here is that we fail to keep our Yoga plan flexible. Even though we might have the perfect vision for our Yoga and we have worked out a schedule for our Yoga practice , life inevitably gets in the way at times. and if we are not ready to be flexible, the chance to do our Yoga will be missed.

We also commonly overestimate how much time we can really dedicate to our Yoga practice.

Falling out of our regular Yoga practice is discouraging and leaves us feeling defeated, creating a loop it’s hard to get out of. So, accounting for the unaccounted is essential.

How to tackle the unexpected?


1. If you find yourself with less time than you hoped you’d have:
Keep a flexible time plan in your back pocket

Maybe your planned Yoga routine is 20 or a 60 minute long. Great!

But also prepare a shorter plan with a shorter practice. This could be half of your planned practice time or perhaps just a 5 minutes.

It helps to work on the mindset too. Work on accepting any time on the mat as equally valuable.

2.If you can’t do any Yoga:
Practice mindfulness instead

Absolutely no time to get on your mat?

Use those days as an opportunity to work on developing the observer in your mind, and how you feel and act as a result when you can’t do your practice. Practice self-compassion here. This awareness will also serve as motivation with finding ways to better plan getting to your mat.

You can also practice gratitude for the days you did manage to do your practice.

Either way, turn the missed opportunity to do Yoga into an opportunity to work with the mind.

3. If you can’t make it to the mat but got a bit of time:
Do a different kind of Yoga

If you are determined to check of the ‘done Yoga’ for the day but, regardless of where you find yourself, you can do 5 minutes of breathing practice or meditation, regardless of where you find yourself.

You can also do some Yoga Nidra before sleep.


Obstacle 2: Not knowing what to do on the mat

You might get stuck when you don’t know what to do to get the results you are hoping to achieve, lack confidence to do your own practice, or you could even be discouraged because the practice you are doing is too strenuous or just not right for you.

You might’ve also reached the ‘intermediate plateau’ and are unsure about how to advance. 

How to tackle lack of confidence when coming to the mat?


Look for a teacher. Maybe you don’t have anyone in your area or you feel uncertain about private classes, but you can also explore some other options:

1. Check out what Yoga courses studios around you offer.

2. Look through some of the many online courses - you can find private, group and pre-recorded programs.

3. Look for a private online Yoga teacher - this might be more accessible than in person classes. 


Obstacle 3. Neglecting the mindset

Most often, it’s your mind that stands between you and your goals.

Continuous work on the mindset is as necessary as doing your Yoga practice and one of the most neglected elements of regular Yoga practice.

How to tackle the mindset?

  1. Journal

    Write down why it is important for you to reach the goals you are hoping to achieve with your regular Yoga practice. ( You can use our workbook designed specifically for this step.)

  2. Stay inspired

    Even the things you really enjoy don’t stand much chance of sticking around permanently if you don’t renew your inspiration every once in a while. 

    You can follow your favorite teacher or find the right reads.

    Plan to revisit the goals of your practice and why it’s important for you to achieve them regularly, you will find the best inspiration there.

  3. Stay motivated

    Find a friend to check in with or join a group online that is working on the same goals.

    Our myown.yoga group is here to do exactly that.


Before you go…


Take one minute to make a plan for your progress.

  1. Which of the three obstacles hinders your regular practice the most?

  2. Which of the suggested strategies for that obstacle could work for you? Personalize it or choose one that worked for you in the past.

  3. Turn that obstacle into a statement such as “ I am going to work on …. by ….”. Write down your commitment somewhere you can see it regularly and break it down into manageable small steps.



Take the first step to your regular Yoga practice:

Identify and overcome
what’s holding you back


clarify what really stands in your way

renew your motivation to come to the mat regularly



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