How do I get the confidence to get away from the Yoga screen?


“I can really feel the benefits of my own practice, but putting on a video is so much easier!

Mostly I do it because I don’t always know what to do for what I want to achieve, like when I need to stretch and relax my shoulders.’’




Just putting on that video and having someone guide us feels great and often, we need that!

Knowing what to do for what often troubles you is a great tool in your Yoga kit.

Relaxing tight shoulders is something you can benefit from again and again. Knowing a couple of stretches you can do anytime, anywhere, would improve the quality of your day.

  1. Tell yourself ‘I can’.

    You might doubt this as you don’t know yet how to go about achieving the result you are looking for without turning on a video, but without the I can do it attitude, our intention will remain only that.

  2. Try to remember which stretch/move you’ve experienced before that would address the issue at hand. If you are drawing a blank, ask Google ‘how to…’, and look for something you are ideally at least a bit familiar with.

  3. Go to your mat and experiment with what you came up with. Don’t forget to bring your breath to stay relaxed and to listen to your body which will start suggesting variations and adjustments.

If after this you feel as confused as before, remember that rarely do we ‘learn’ something on the first try. You brought awareness into what you need and next time you are going through a Yoga class, you will tune in to what else you can do for the issue you are addressing.

Take 5 minutes NOW to go through the steps.

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Stretch, core, plank sequence?