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3 Unhelpful Beliefs About Making Changes

When it comes to creating a positive lasting change, what stands in our way most often is our minds.

Beliefs we have and don’t question can stop us from creating that change we really want to make.

Let’s look at why these 3 beliefs could be standing in your way and how you can turn them to your advantage.


“True transformations come from making changes that are big.”

Most of us believe that we have to go all in.

A sudden significant change might kick start us in the direction we aim for but are we going to be able to keep that course?

We might get a quick ‘fix’ but ask yourself: ‘Do I have the capacity (time, money, energy) to make this change permanent? If the answer is ‘perhaps no’, we need to rethink our plan.

How to transform this belief?

Firstly, think of the positive changes you already managed to make in your life. Did they happen overnight? What steps can you see looking back?

Now look at the change you’d like to make in the present. What could you start today that doesn’t require you to overhaul your whole life?

Be inventive. Break your big goal into several smaller ones. Choose the one that is the most pressing and then select one small step towards that goal you can start right now. 


“I need the right tools and resources before I can make serious changes.” 

Think how many times you have used the excuse of not having the tools and resources to make the change you want in your life.

If you keep thinking you just don’t know how to go about it, don’t have the money, support, or time, the change you are hoping for is probably never going to happen.

If we are not smart with making do with what we have right now, we will likely always be short of something and never take that first step towards the transformation we are looking for.

How to transform this belief?

By getting started and having trust that the tools you need will come to you along the way if you don’t have them right now.

Make the one healthy meal today you’ve been thinking about or get on your mat for even just 5 minutes.

By taking that one step, you are likely to increase your motivation, start believing in your abilities and become inventive about how to use the resources you do have.


“NOW is not the right time.”

Let’s bring some tough love into this one. If you are using this excuse, you are likely never going to take steps needed to make the positive change you are looking for.

How to transform this belief?

Imagine how you’ll feel and what you’ll be able to do when you achieve that change you are aiming for.

How would your life look like in 6 months or in one year?

Do you like that vision? Then the time to try for that change is now

Before you move on…

Which belief is stopping you from the positive change you are trying to make?

Set a timer for 5 minutes and think/write:

  • Why do you hold this belief?

  • How did this belief stop you from making the change you wanted to make in the past?

  • What will help you transform this belief?

  • What is a 1 small step you can take this week towards the change you want to make?

For a mindset that helps you make changes easier:

Take the first step to your regular Yoga practice:

Identify and overcome
what’s holding you back

clarify what stands in your way

renew your motivation to come to the mat regularly