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Why do Small Steps Hold so Much Power?

Maybe you are hoping to make changes in your health, fitness, your Yoga practice or in other areas of your life. We always recommend taking small steps rather than diving in with all you got and turning your life on it’s head.

But before you think about the steps, don’t forget to plan your overall goal. Once you’ve brainstormed, written out and broken down the steps to achieving the desired habit, it’s time to think about the best way to take those steps. Here are 5 strategies that will help you succeed.

Where does the power of small steps lie?


You can trick the mind into compliance - by looking only a little ahead

You might have a clear end goal in mind, but altering your life and routines drastically to accommodate that vision right away might not be the best idea.

The mind might put on the brakes as the goal might be too overwhelming for it. Taking just one incremental step at the time helps the mind ease into new routines instead of going into panic mode. 

Don’t put pressure on yourself by thinking about the final destination or even the next big step. When you have successfully integrated the first small step, the next step will become clear and easy to move onto. 


Enjoying the small wins won’t let you quit

Focusing on the result of the end goal instead of one small step will create immense pressure on the mind.

It will also be a much longer time before you can reap the rewards if you only look at the end goal. If you focus on a small step instead, you will be able to celebrate your wins as you go which will continue to motivate you to keep going.

Break down your goal into steps you can build on and enjoy the small wins.


Allowing for space helps make changes stick

Starting with small steps gives you the space to really integrate the change and the new routine into your life.

You will be much more likely to stick with changes long term if you allow space. Because you have taken the time and noticed the benefits of the smaller changes on your life, you will be much more motivated to integrate the next one.

Take smaller steps helps you integrate the change into your life seamlessly and to make it stick.


You’ll build trust in yourself

Taking gradual small steps that YOU chose can be a better betin the long run than following a path outlined by someone else.

You are much more likely to stick with something that you decided for yourself rather than following a prescribed way, even though it might be a good one.

Trust your intuition - you know best what is right for you.


You’ll strengthen your self-confidence

When you take small steps you have selected, you are saying ‘yes, I trust that I can figure out the right way for myself’.

A great power and freedom is unleashed when you do that. Rather than relying on systems that do not always match your best interest, you are traveling the path of self-discovery and increasing self-confidence in your ability to achieve anything in life.

Trust that you can find the right steps by leaning into the power of self-reliance.

Before you move on…

Review the list and choose 2 points you think you need to keep in mind the most to achieve your current (Yoga) goals.

Happy habit building!

Build 5-minute Yoga Habits

All you need is 5 minutes a day.

This free video series includes 12 five-minute videos to:

prepare the body for breathing & meditation

build a regular breath practice

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